Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Do it yourself family photos

So, we needed a picture of our family for Finn's adoption story.  With my husband's work schedule it is hard for us to all be together.  Tonight we decided to take it -minus him.  Something tells me he won't mind that he won't be on Lucas County Pit Crew's FB page.

Can you see Owen pushing the wireless remote control?  He was so excited to do it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Finn's First Shoot

So my plan was to photograph O with Finn, but he wanted no part of it.  So instead he got my tripod out and took "pictures" with it.

Next time I will blur the background more. Not too bad for the first try.  Tomorrow we try the blue background.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Our new puppy....Finnegan

We were lucky enough to be chosen by The Lucas County Pit Crew to adopt Finnegan.  He became part of our family April 19, 2012.  We've only had him a few days but he is fitting right in.  O loves him so much already.  He was upset that he only got to pick up one pile of Finn's mess out in the yard.  I can't imagine that will last much longer.  We can't wait to watch Finnegan grow.

If you are interested in adopting a dog or making a donation you can check them out at www.lucascountypitcrew.com.